Current Name: Splashfur
Other Names, if any: Splashkit, Splashpaw
Age (in moons): 20 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Polysexual
Creation Date: 1/14/18
Residential Information
Current Affiliation/Clan: Fogclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: None
Rank: Warrior
Mentor(s): Open
Apprentice(s): Streampaw
Interpersonal Connections
Father(s): Open
Mother (s): Open
Sibling(s): Open
Offspring: Open
Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open
Crush: Open
Significant Other: Open
Overview: Splashfur is a very mellow cat, she is quick to anger and always wants to lend a helping hand. She is supportive and encourages cats to do the best they can. She is alsoa very creative thinker, thinking outsid ethe box to solve a solution. Because of these traits she is a great diplomat. She is also very confident in her work but takes critisism badly. Her emotions are easily affected by what someone thinks. If you comment on her hunting techniques she will think she did something wrong and overthink it. Despite her flaws she is a very peaceful cat who is willing to help anyone out.
Traits: Supportive, Confident, Creative, Peaceful, Oversensitive, Kind
Mental Age: 40 moons
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: Atelophobia (fear of imperfection)
Sociability: Good
Outlook: Positive
Responsibility: Good
Cleanliness: Good
Generosity: Very Good
Manners: Good
Bravery: Ok
More Logical or More Emotional?: Logical
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Food(s): Rabbit
Favorite Word: Peace
Favorite Sound: The fluttering of birds wings
Greatest Hope: To be a wise elder
Greatest Strength: Her cool-headness
Greatest Weakness: Her sensitivity
Worst Nightmare: Being outcast from her clan for not being good enough
Deepest Darkest Secret: Her sister tried to kill her parents and she did nothing to stop it
Most Treasured Memory: Taking care of her sister
Quirk(s): She sniffs everything. Leaves, cats, animals...
Theme Song(s): N/A
Place of Birth: Two-leg Place
Date of Birth: 2/3/16
Former rank(s): Kit, Apprentice
Beliefs: Starclan
Physical Traits
Breed(s): Norwegian Forest Cat mix
Fur Color(s): White
Fur Texture: Fluffy
Fur Length: Long
Markings: None
Eye Color: Deep blue
Body Type/Structure: Stocky
Height: Average
Weight: A little above average
Voice: Mellow
Gait: Soft yet firm
Scent: Mint
Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions:
Coordination: Good
Reflexes: Good
Strength: Very Good