Current Name: Featherpaw
Other Names, if any: Featherkit, Featherfall
Age (in moons): 6 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Creation Date: 1/17/18
Residential Information
Current Affiliation/Clan: Fogclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: N/A
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor(s): Open
Apprentice(s): N/A
Interpersonal Connections
Father(s): Open
Mother (s): Open
Sibling(s): Open
Offspring: N/A
Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open
Crush: Open
Significant Other: N/A
Overview: Featherpaw is an intelligent, loyal, shy cat. She is very good at battle tactics but not as good as battling itself. She is very weak and was born with a slightly deformed left hind leg. She makes up for this disability by running day after day until her legs give out. Her three other legs are very powerful but she has a hard time balancing on her weak leg. Her loyalty to her clanmates is a little too much, she is a little clingy and will often get upset if she is alone too long. Her shyness is apparent in her demeanor as she is not sociable at all. The only way you get her to talk is if you come to her
Traits: Intelligent, Loyal, Kind, Clingy
Mental Age: 12 moons
Psychiatric Complications: Anxiety
Phobias: Monophobia (fear of being alone
Sociability: Bad
Outlook: Positive
Responsibility: Ok
Cleanliness: Very good
Generosity: Good
Manners: Bad
Bravery: Bad
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Food(s): Mouse
Favorite Word: Smart
Favorite Sound: Chirping birds
Greatest Hope: To be a wise leader
Greatest Strength: Her intelligence
Greatest Weakness: Her left hind leg
Worst Nightmare: Being abandoned
Deepest Darkest Secret: N/A
Most Treasured Memory: Learning to speak
Quirk(s): Goes on long runs in the morning before the sun is even up
Theme Song(s): N/A
Place of Birth: Fogclan
Date of Birth: 7/5/17
Former rank(s): Kit
Physical Traits
Breed(s): Norweigan Forest cat
Fur Color(s): Cream and Black
Fur Texture: Soft
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Siamese markings
Eye Color: Buttercup yellow
Body Type/Structure: Slightly stocky
Height: Average
Weight: Normal
Voice: Soft
Gait: Barely touches the ground
Scent: Grass after rain
Scars / Deformities: Deformed right hind leg
Diseases / Conditions:
Coordination: Good
Reflexes: Bad
Strength: Ok