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Current Name: Copperpaw
Other Names, if any: Copper, Copperfur
Age (in moons): 23 moons
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Creation Date: 1/15/18

Residential Information

Current Affiliation/Clan: Grassclan
Former Affiliation/Clan, if any: Rogue
Rank: Apprentice
Mentor(s): Open
Apprentice(s): N/A

Interpersonal Connections

Father(s): Open
Mother (s): Open
Sibling(s): Open
Offspring: Open

Best Friend(s): Open
Friend(s): Open
Neutral: Open
Acquaintance(s): Open
Enemies: Open

Crush: Open
Significant Other: Open


Overview: Copper was once a rogue so its reasonable that she is wary of other cats. She i very skeptical, never taking one cats word for anything and often relying on multiple sources before coming to an opinion. Copper is brave and believes in good morals. She believes every cat should stand by a code of honor, its what makes her so suited to clan life. She is resourceful as being a rogue requires you to be. She make a nest out anything, always finding something soft to sleep on. Copper never tells a lie and tries to show her feelings as truly as she can. She tries to be genuine. 
Traits: Skeptical, Brave, Principled, Resourceful, Genuine

Mental Age: 30 moons
Psychiatric Complications: None
Phobias: Arhhenphobia (fear of males)

Sociability: Bad
Outlook: Positive
Responsibility: Good
Cleanliness: Very Good
Generosity: Ok
Manners: Bad
Bravery: Very Good
More Logical or More Emotional?: Emotional

Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Food(s): Squirrel
Favorite Word: Starclan
Favorite Sound: Horses chewing on grass

Greatest Hope: To be accepted
Greatest Strength: Her resourcefulness
Greatest Weakness: Her Kindness
Worst Nightmare: Her father coming back to find her
Deepest Darkest Secret: She ran away from the tom she was supposed to mate with
Most Treasured Memory: Joining Grassclan

Quirk(s): She can craft anything from everything.
Theme Song(s): N/A


Place of Birth: Rogue pack
Date of Birth: 1/12/16
Former rank(s): N/A
Beliefs: Starclan

Physical Traits

Breed(s): Maine Coon mix
Fur Color(s): Brown, white, Rust
Fur Texture: Fluffy
Fur Length: Long
Markings: Tabby markings
Eye Color: Burnt Dandelion

Body Type/Structure: Stocky
Height: Average
Weight: A little above average
Voice: Rough
Gait: Firm
Scent: Bark

Scars / Deformities:
Diseases / Conditions:

Coordination: Ok
Reflexes: Good
Strength: Good

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